Monday, September 30, 2013

Beginning of the year ideas

Like many other first year counselors I was on the hunt for cool ways to introduce myself to the kids and what I do as a counselor. Well I have used several other counselors ideas because why recreate the wheel if you don't have to right?!

For K-1 I really liked the Counselor's Toolbox from I used used the same idea for objects but mine looks a little different. (I will post pictures later) I couldn't find a toolbox so I just used one of those plastic shoebox size bins with the lid. I had the kids put on their imagination hats to help me pretend it was a toolbox. I think asked the kids what kinds of things they thought I had in my toolbox. Alot of the really young ones would say things like a hammer, nails, screwdriver. Some of the first graders said things like stickers. It was fun going through the box and explaining why those things were in my tool box. My lessons are 45 minutes so after we went through the box I had them color a Mrs.Potato Head coloring sheet I made from a black and white clip art. The older kids did a word search with the different character traits.

For the 2nd and 3rd graders I also made the Counselor's First Aid Kit from the Savvy School Counselor. The first aid kit idea went over the head of some of my 2nd graders but alot of the 3rd graders really got into it. I also let these guys do a word search after we went through the first aid kit.

And last but not least for the 4th and 5th graders I played the Counselor Game also from the Savvy School Counselor. (You can buy this on her TeachersPayTeachers store for $3! Totally worth it!) The kids really got into this game! They were already it small groups so I just went from group to group asking the different questions. I didn't keep score because I explained that the point of this game was to get to know me and what I do as a school counselor.

Part of beginning of the year routine was also teaching the students who they can make a time to come see me. I explain that everyone needs a helping hand once in a while and that is part of why I am here. I cut out ALOT of hands from different skin color construction paper and laminated them. With a sharpie I wrote on there Date, Name, and Teacher. The kids can then write on them with over head pens or dry erase markers. They each have about 5 hands in their classrooms and then the teachers put them in my mail box. It has been a HUGE hit!!! The kids have been blowing me up with hands! It is so rewarding that so many kids are coming to for help! I love my idea of hands that I stole from my fabulous practicum supervisor but I have another idea I might try next year... stay tuned!



Hello Parents, Teachers, Administrators, and fellow Counselors! As a way to let everyone know what is going on in the counseling department at RRES I am going to keep a blog. I will try to update it about once a week to let you know some of the various things that are going on. I may talk about classroom guidance lessons, small groups, cool ideas for individual students, student ambassadors, Girls on The Run and many other things.

It is hard to believe that this year is already a quarter over! We sure have been busy!!! All of our Kindergardeners are finally getting settled into the routine of school. We have been getting to know our friend Froggy through this great curriculum by Marco.  The kids are so glued into it and remember the stories and lessons. I started at RRES at the end of last school year and the now 1st graders remember the stories and the things they learned last year! I'm not a huge fan of using puppets, simply because I feel silly and I forget which puppet I need to be holding when I say different lines. So I glued the stories on to construction paper with the pictures on one side and the words on the other. The kids really like it and they think its really cool that I can read all the words :) I am going to have to spice it up some so they don't get bored.... I will have to make some cool puppets and let the kids hold them.... How do you use puppets in classroom guidance lessons?
