Monday, December 12, 2016

School Counseling Intern coming to Rand Road!

Hello everyone! I am excited to announce that I will be hosting a graduate student from NC State. She is currently in school for professional school counseling. Starting in January she will be shadowing me at school. She will also start working with students under my supervision. She will be with us through April. Below is a little blurb from her!

My name is Rachel Tillett and I am in the process of getting  my Masters at NC State to become a school counselor. I received my bachelors at Meredith College with a major in Psychology and a minor in social work. I love children and I have worked with them since I was 16 years old. Over the years I have been a camp counselor and a babysitter/nanny! Now I currently work for a babysitting company called, Peak City Sitters! I work part time while I continue my education! My hope is to graduate NC State in either the fall or spring of 2018!

This is Rachel presenting at the NC School Counselor's Conference.