Monday, August 15, 2016

Your school counselor is like a super hero!!!

Welcome back everyone! We have made it to week 3 of our new school year! Our kindergarten students had a great start last week!

Did you know that my job as a school counselor is kind of like being a super hero?! Another amazing school counselor created a great lesson about being a super hero! I decided to give my introduction lesson a revamp and the students have loved it! For our Kindergarten through 3rd grade classes I have been dressing up like a super hero to explain my job.

This has been a really fun lesson that the students have really gotten into! Here is a brief run down of how your school counselor is like a super hero! (For more information on this lesson please go to )

My cape helps me fly around the school helping all the students. 
My ears help me listen to the needs of the students, staff, and families.
My mouth allows me to offer a warm smile when ever someone is sad. 
My mask helps me teach children how to unmask yucky feelings. 
My sun glasses help me spy students who need some help. 
My gloves allow me to give super hugs, high fives, and fist pumps. 
And my shield helps me to teach students how to be safe. 

With the 4th and 5th grade students I have been playing The Meet the School Counselor Game. This is a really fun game where the students work in teams to answer questions about my role as the school counselor. For this game I did not keep score to stress that this game is about learning and refreshing our memories. Most of the questions are pretty much related to my job but there are a few other questions that are thrown in for fun. One question they have all been laughing at this year is the question about my favorite color! Several of the classrooms were painted over the July trackout. My room was one of the ones that got painted. Most of the kids already knew I loved purple but now there is no doubt! A HUGE thank you to everyone who came to help paint! 

Be sure to check out the About section to see my 2016-2017 goals.