Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Middle School Jitters and New school year worries

Hello Everyone! As the end of the year draws near I have been talking to our 5th graders about middle school. They have already selected their classes and now they  just need to enjoy the last few months of elementary school. I found a great activity from Savvy School Counselor that shared a wonderful worksheet to do with the 5th graders. It also allowed for them to share their worries about middle school even if they didn't want to say them out loud. Below are some of the things they are worried about. As you will notice some of the things are on both lists. That may be one students worry is another students excitement. Parents be sure to talk with your 5th grader about what they are worried and excited about next year to make sure this transition is as smooth as possible.

Middle School Jitters: 
Being away from siblings
Locker combinations
Number of Classes
Leaving old teachers
New rules
Letter grading
Changing for Gym
New Teachers
More responsibility
Getting to classes
Amount of Homework
No recess
Being late for school

Time between classes

Middle School Excitement: 
Meeting new people
Being separate from older kids
New teachers
Expanding my mind
Book selection in the school library
Being more independent 
Switching Classes
Fresh Start
Picking electives
Letter Grading
Having some people I know there
No 10 min of silence at lunch

Many of you reading this may not have a student in the 5th grade. But they may also be worried. If you feel that your student is extra worried please make sure that you contact me or your child's teacher so we can help them feel less anxious as the school year comes to a close. One of my favorite books about worrying is Wilma Jean and the Worry Machine. I usually will read that book with axious students and help them list or draw pictures of the things they are worried about. If you feel you have a very anxious child then try creating worry time for you and your child. Have a box where you child can write down the things they are worried about and tell them you will talk about it during worry time. Take 10-15 minutes once a day or week and read the different worries your child put in their worry box. They may realize some of their worries weren't so big after all! 

If you have a child that is really nervous about those EOGs in June be sure to check out the Test Anxiety board on my Pinterest account for some great suggestions! 

I also have a Pinterest board that is all about Anxiety! Feel free to check it out and get some great ideas of ways to help your child.