Monday, June 1, 2015

April was month of the Military Child

Good afternoon! I know this blog is about two months late but I still wanted to share about month of the Military Child.

Earlier this year I went to a training by the Military Child Education Coalition. It was a great training and brought to light that we actually have a pretty high number of military families at RRES. As we are only about an hour from Fort Bragg we have several families who commute to and from base each day. We also have several families who have a parent in the reserves.

After the training I decided to do some of my own research and found out that April is the month of the Military Child. There are events throughout the community (mostly around Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base) for families to attend. Since there wasn't alot around our area I decided to at least honor the military students at RRES by presenting them with an award. I also did an Army bulletin board in place of a college.

If you are a military family please check out the list of resources below or message me for some more information.

Military Child Education Coalition

A big thanks to the families of these 4 boys for letting me share their picture. They are 4 of the 18 military kids we have at RRES!!

Thank you to these two families who allowed me to share their picture! These are 4 of the 18 military kids at RRES!
A super huge thanks to the recruiters in Garner, NC for giving me tons of pictures and goodies! Recruitment for college and the military starts in elementary school!!

A huge thanks goes out to the Recruitment office in Garner, NC for all of the amazing pictures and goodies they gave me! Recruitment starts at birth for college and for out military!!