Saturday, June 14, 2014

End of Year Survey

Hey everyone! As we only have two more weeks of school left I would love it if you could take a moment and fill out my end of year survey! I would love your feed back so I can help the program grow and make sure I am meeting the needs of all of our students!

Please click HERE

Thank you so much!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Test Stress!

As we get closer and closer to the end of the year I get more students coming to me about test anxiety. Especially the 3rd grade students because they have never taken the EOG. Everyone handles stress differently and I try to really explain that to the students who come to my office and say well the other kids don't seem worried. Here are a few tips!

Night before the test:
- Go to bed at your normal time. Maybe a little early (try and keep the routine the same!)
- Eat a good healthy dinner
- Drink alot of water so you are well hydrated.
- Do things to help you relax.
- Do NOT study!!!

*That last one is really important! I know as parents you want your kids to study and be as prepared as possible. However, last minute cramming can lead to feelings of more stress and anxiety if they don't know the information. It is best the night before a test to let the student simply relax. If is the night before the test they either know it or they don't and last minute cramming doesn't help.

Day of the test:
- Keep as normal a routine as possible!
- Eat a healthy filling breakfast (try and not let the kids eat sweet sugary cereals that wont keep them full)
- Get to student to school a little early so they have time to get settled in. (Desks will be moved around so your child needs time to find their desk and get comfortable. As well as go to the bathroom and eat breakfast if they eat at school).

These are simply just a few tips I share with the children. I use Pinterest alot as a resource to find new ideas and information. Here is a link to my Pinterest board on Test Anxiety. I have used several of these things but not all of them. Feel free to follow the board or just look at the ideas and suggestions.

One of my favorite things I found this year on Pinterest is a video from YouTube called This Test Does Not Define You! It is a little over six minutes. You need to watch the whole thing! The kids have really enjoyed this video. For my lesson plan click here!

Below are pictures of the mandalas that the students drew. They are hanging in the hallway so they see them as they walk into the room before EOGs!