Thursday, May 15, 2014

Meredith College

Our college of the month is Meredith College! Mrs.Gingery, Mrs.Meares, and Mrs.C.Jones all attended Meredith College.

Meredith is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. It is the largest college for undergraduate women in the southeastern United States. It was founded as the Baptist Female University and then later changed its name to the Baptist University for Women. In 1997 the school moved away from direct connect with the Baptist State convention and is now known solely as Meredith College. Meredith students are known as the Avenging Angels. For more information check out their website:

Kindergarten Parent Orientation

Tomorrow we will be hosting a rising kindergarten parent orientation in the library at 10am. If you happened to be unable to attend please let me know and I can get you whatever information you might need!