Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Middle School Registration!

Greetings parents! This post is mainly for our 5th grade parents.More to come about the other grades later!

It is that time of year when we start to talk about middle school. If you had older students there are very few changes from last year. I received the recommendation sheets at the end of last week and have sent them out to the students teachers for them to place their recommendations. If your student is AIG or has an IEP those teachers will be giving the recommendations along with the classroom teachers.

Because Math placements can be very confusing, especially for parents, there are going to be 4 parent information sessions. There is a letter coming home with your child today. But just in case that doesn't make it home to you here are the dates and locations.

Choose from Four Locations...
Session #1: Monday, March 17th, 2014
Location: Salem Middle School
Time: 9:30am-10:30 am

Session #2: Wednesday, March 19th, 2014
Location: Heritage Middle School
Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm

Session #3: Monday, March 24th, 2014
Location: West Lake Middle School
Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm

Session #4: Wednesday, March 26th, 2014
Location: East Millbrook Middle School
Time: 9:30am-10:30am

During these sessions they will be talking about the Middle School Math Placement Guidelines, Resources to support success in Math available in ALL WCPSS Middle Schools, Math progression in middle and high school-What come after 6th grade math, and How and When you have options for Math Acceleration. I HIGHLY suggest attending one of these sessions! For more information please check the following link created by WCPSS : http://wake-ms-math.weebly.com/

Our homeroom teachers will be working on their recommendations when we return from D.C.Once they have finished their recommendations, the sheets will be sent home for you and your student to sign. I MUST have these back as they register your student for their middle school classes. You will also be getting a sheet about electives for your students middle school. That also MUST come back with the green registration sheet. If the elective sheet does not come back then the middle school will be choosing your child's electives.

If you already know that your child is going to East Garner Middle they are having a Magnet Application Course Registration Night. They will be sending you more information. This again is only for those students who already know they are going to East Garner. I will also be sending home an elective form that you can bring with you that night so they can help you choose the best classes. On April 22nd from 6-7:30 East Garner is having an Expo night. ALL students are welcome to come that night to meet the teachers, counselors and administrators while touring the school.

North Garner Middle has already had their open house. If you missed it do not panic! The best thing to do if you have questions about courses at North Garner Middle is to call and ask to speak with the 6th grade counselor for next year. I only know some general information about their courses so for specific questions call the school directly. Also because so many of our students attend North Garner, a counselor will be coming to talk with the students about middle school in general to answer any of their questions.

For other questions about specific classes you can also view the WCPSS Middle School Planning Guide. This gives you a summary of every class.

And finally all rising 6th graders must also have the Tdap booster. Please click here to read more information on the WCPSS website.