Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Highlights from Random Acts of Kindness Week

Greetings!! Today wraps up our extended Random Acts of Kindess Week. Thanks to the snow we were able to talk about kindness for two weeks!

Here is the bulletin board where students could share their random acts if kindness. It took a few days to get going but then the students were really getting into it. Next year if I do the same thing I will be looking for help to have a few spots set up in the mornings. Because I was in the lobby I missed a lot of the students who rode the bus.

With the third grade students we talked about how we could be bucket fillers around the school to make our school community a better place. We read the book  Have you filled a bucket today? Then we talked about what it meant to be a bucket filler at our school. The students were invited to write on a circle a way they could be a bucket filler in five different areas of the school. Each class talked about ways to be a bucket filler in the classroom as well as in the bathrooms. Each class also had 3 other common areas of the school. Today we talked about the classrooms, bathrooms, cafeteria, playgrounds, computer lab, library, art, music, P.E., and guidance. These are the areas that all students are expected to follow the same Rand Road expectations that help them attend the PBIS celebrations each quarter. After the lessons were finished I have hung them up around the school so all of the students can see them and hopefully reflect and talk with one another about how to be a bucket filler throughout the school. 

Thank you for everyone who brought in food for our food drive!! It was a great success and I will be dropping the food off some time this week at Wake Relief! 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Food Drive Extended!!!!

Due to all of the snow the food drive and Random Acts of Kindness Week will be extended into next week!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness Week

Feb.10th-15th we will be celebrating Random Acts of Kindness. The goal of the week is to encourage students to do something nice for someone else simply because it's nice and not expecting anything else in return. Each day the news crew will share a different suggestion for the students to try. We are also encouraging the students to come up with ideas on their own. I will be in the lobby each morning with paper hears that the students can write their random acts on kindness on. They will be displayed on a bulletin board in the front of the school. 

To go along with our theme we will also be hosting a food drive to help Wake Relief, which provides emergency groceries to families in Wake County. There will be boxes outside my room (127) starting Monday, February 10th. The last day to donate is Friday, February 14th. Students will also be able to buy a can food item at the school store to give to the food drive. Students buy items at the school store using their gold coins they earn for good behavior and for following Rand Road Expectations.

Wake Relief's Website is below. 

Throughout the week I will be sharing more random acts of kindness. Be sure to check back for more ideas!!!  

Monday, February 3, 2014

National School Counselor's Week

Hey everyone!! Today kicks off National School Coubselor's Week!! Be on the look out for more posts each day to learn about what it's like to be a school counselor!